Lak Nature International Wins Bronze Award in “Branding Through Packaging Competition for Export Oriented Women-led businesses”
May 8, 2019

Lak Nature International emerged the Bronze winner at the Women Entrepreneurship Development Program organised by the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) focused on the theme “Branding through Packaging” to support women-led businesses in Sri Lanka.

It was aimed at helping the women-led businesses improve their branding and packaging to better compete in the international market.

The program included a knowledge-sharing workshop on “Branding through Packaging” for over 60 women entrepreneurs and a competition for export-oriented women-led businesses.

It was organised to coincide with International Women’s Day 2023 and was part of the EDB’s efforts to support and empower women-led businesses in Sri Lanka to enter the export market.

On receiving the award, Founder of Lak Nature International, Ms. Lakmini Weerakkody stated “I am grateful to EDB for recognizing the vital role that women-led businesses play in driving economic growth in Sri Lanka. By empowering women-led businesses such as Lak Nature International, the country can gain significant amounts of foreign exchange earnings.”